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Training Curriculum

Basic firearms training is extremely important in achieving the objective of why you own a firearm in the first place. Inability to use a firearm and accidents are often caused by lack of proper training and skill.

1.  Safety and Responsibility (Theory)


Non-shooting course that teaches students the basic knowledge and skills to explain the attitude necessary for the safe handling and storage of firearms/ammunition. A trained carrier has a good sense of responsibility and knows rules that are meant to protect him and those around him.


  1. Why do you own a firearm?
  2. High regard for life.
  3. Safety in the Home.
  4. Safe Carry.
  5. Storage


2.  Know your Firearm (Practical)


Learn everything from disassembling your firearm and cleaning it properly and servicing it. A serviced and maintained firearm reduces malfunctions and accidents and prolongs the life of a firearm.


  1. Know your weapon parts.
  2. Disassembling and Assembling.
  3. Cleaning and Oiling.
  4. Ammunition.
  5. Dealing with malfunctions.


3.  Handling and Accuracy (Practical)



This course focuses on specifics of efficient draw skills, proper handling and grip of firearm, placing effective shots on target, multiple targets and advanced accuracy drills. Participants also learn of the right firing stance and correct triggering.


  1. Stance.
  2. Grip and Handling.
  3. Triggering and Advanced Triggering.
  4. Site Picture and Focus.
  5. Advanced Marksmanship.


4.  Concealed Carry & Self-Defence (Practical)



Learn how to protect yourself and your family both in and out of your home with concealed carry-focused training and personal protection training courses. Learn how to keep your firearm in person while remaining completely concealed and ready to defend when necessary.


  1. Concealment & Safety.
  2. Situational Awareness.
  3. Fast draw and Readiness.
  4. Carry Positions
  5. Advanced Self-Defence


5.  Firearms and Lesotho Laws (Theory)



It is important to learn applicable laws surrounding the use of firearms in Lesotho and legal implications in different circumstances. It also builds your confidence as a licensed holder and a responsible citizen.


  1. The Act.
  2. Know your rights and respect others’
  3. What to do after confrontations.
  4. A good and responsible citizen.
  5. Avoid incrimination.


Our Range is located at Lifariking, Khubetsoana, Along Main North 1. The range is accessible from the main road and upon entering the main big gate, proceed past the buildings and you will see the range further on.

About Action

Action Shooting Range is a wing of Action Pty Ltd. We specialise in personal safety and security as well as a responsible use and care of firearms for safety.

Our Offices

5886 5566 / 5058 5732

Room 206, Block B, Victoria Hotel, Maseru.

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